If you’re looking for some SIMPLE DIY shower cleaners, well my friend, you’ve come to the right place! We’re going back to the basics with these all-natural, cruelty-free cleaners. Here are some of my favorite recipes that I use all the time.
I live in Arizona where we have crazy hard water. I needed to find a cleaner for the glass shower door that would get all that soap scum off without letting it sit for hours and killing anyone that would come in contact with the fumes. We used to use some pretty toxic stuff before. My husband would wear these industrial-strength gloves to clean it and none of us could go in there for hours. It was ridiculous, especially after realizing I could be using a NATURAL two-ingredient solution that works really fast.
Shower Door
- 1 cup baking soda
- 1 cup salt
Yeah, that’s it! It’s a 1:1 ratio. I just keep it in an old plastic container. Get my coconut scrubber out and while I’m taking a shower, go to town on that door. Just dip the damp scrubber in the cleaner and scrub it on the door, rinse and repeat if necessary. Squeegee off all the water every time you’re done with your shower so there isn’t such a build-up next time. Easy peasy!
If your shower floor is textured, you know how dirty they can get. For the floor, spray the mixture below and leave it for a few minutes, then use a scrubber. You can just put a spray nozzle right in the hydrogen peroxide bottle and add tea tree essential oil.
Shower Floor
- hydrogen peroxide
- tea tree oil (around 10 drops)
You can also use an everyday shower spray. I like this one…
Everyday Shower Spray
- ½ cup vodka or vinegar (use vodka if you have marble or granite)
- 1 cup of water
- 10 drops essential oils (whatever blend you like, peppermint is really nice)
Put the ingredients in a spray bottle and shake. You can put little labels on them too. I use these chalkboard labels. Then you can cover them with clear contact paper so the white marker doesn’t rub off.
Links for all the products in this post: